Agent Queries and Publisher Proposals – Why You Should Use Links, Not Attachments

Contacting an agent or a publisher is not simple or free of risk. As your author platform constitutes everything positive about you as an author, the way you deliver that platform is absolutely critical. In essence, you have a few sentences to sell yourself.

89 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Change Your Life by Caitlin Muir

Almost all authors love to write. Some even enjoy editing. A few like graphic design and web page creation. But, let's face it, almost all of us hate marketing and promotion. Sadly, all authors must contribute to marketing today, including trade-published authors. So, here is a link to a wonderful post by Caitlin Muir, called, … Continue reading 89 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Change Your Life by Caitlin Muir

Proposal Power: What Publishers Desire in a Proposal

"As resume writing is a path to a successful career, the publishing proposal is a gateway for being published, especially for fiction. Publishing proposal writing is a science and an art form. It must contain, at a minimum, one section each on: the author, a concise synopsis, a market analysis, a competitive analysis, promotional and marketing concepts, a chapter outline; and sample chapters. Explain how you are creating an author platform that will be increasingly valuable to that particular small publisher. If the publisher has some interest in your book, they will be more willing to finance its publication. And if the publisher believes that more of those high quality books in the same genre are on the way, they will be more likely to donate several thousand dollars to print your first book."

Book Marketing 101

Book Marketing 101. Everything you need to know about author marketing!

Book Marketing 101

Learn how to promote your book with public speaking, media appearances, bookstore signings and interviews. Use compelling and persuasive reviews to generate sales. Cerate published articles that will deliver readers to your landing page. Generate interest and manage your fan base with blogs, social networking and e-mail marketing. Use newspaper and magazine articles to generate … Continue reading Book Marketing 101

What I Learned about Book Publishing and Marketing

The next stage of my life was devoted to learning everything that I could about publishers, book publishing proposals contacting publishers, agent queries and author book marketing.

Being Published

There are several keys to being published. First is the quality of your writing. The second key requirement for being published is having a book that is marketable. Third, you must create a terrific book-publishing proposal. Fourth, you must know the difference between traditional (trade) publishers and POD, vanity and other forms of self-publishing. Beware of scam-artists. Fifth, be prepared to contact hundreds of smaller trade publishers that focus on your particular genre. Fifth, create a killer e-mail cover page that will demand the attention of the publisher or agent. Sixth, be ready to create web site proposals for publishers that won't open attachments. Seventh, never accept the first offer, unless it's the best offer.

Book Marketing 101

Congratulations! You have found a publisher well suited to your book. The contract has been signed. You are a published author! What’s next? What will your publisher do? What should you do to enhance the publisher’s efforts? Because of the changing nature of the publishing world and the revolution in electronic book purchasing, someone needs to market your book throughout the Internet world. Because this work is extremely labor-intensive and detail-oriented, few publishers have the time, workers and enthusiasm to make it happen. This is where the author must step in, with the motivation to work hard on behalf of his or her book.