Interview with Author Nancy Christie

It’s so easy to sit in judgment or say that we would never make the choices that others have made that led them down that path of destruction but we don’t really know that for certain, do we? So rather than be afflicted with that most dangerous of all viruses—superiority—we should instead be compassionate. It’s that whole “there but for the grace of God…"

Author Platform: Reaching Readers and Gaining a Competitive Advantage

"The author is the brand. Your job as the author is to build awareness of your brand, and to build, earn and deserve positive desire for your brand. Awareness plus desire create demand for your product. This is why platform will become more important than ever in 2014. "

Agent Queries and Publisher Proposals – Why You Should Use Links, Not Attachments

Contacting an agent or a publisher is not simple or free of risk. As your author platform constitutes everything positive about you as an author, the way you deliver that platform is absolutely critical. In essence, you have a few sentences to sell yourself.

The Best Way to Publish Fiction

I have been trade-published and self-published several times. I now have a talented literary agent. Although I have self-published three books, I feel more comfortable publishing fiction with a traditional publisher, especially a large, distinguished publisher. I realize that this is not an author decision. Publishers require talent and a marketable book. If you have … Continue reading The Best Way to Publish Fiction

Being Published

There are several keys to being published. First is the quality of your writing. The second key requirement for being published is having a book that is marketable. Third, you must create a terrific book-publishing proposal. Fourth, you must know the difference between traditional (trade) publishers and POD, vanity and other forms of self-publishing. Beware of scam-artists. Fifth, be prepared to contact hundreds of smaller trade publishers that focus on your particular genre. Fifth, create a killer e-mail cover page that will demand the attention of the publisher or agent. Sixth, be ready to create web site proposals for publishers that won't open attachments. Seventh, never accept the first offer, unless it's the best offer.

Book Marketing 101

Congratulations! You have found a publisher well suited to your book. The contract has been signed. You are a published author! What’s next? What will your publisher do? What should you do to enhance the publisher’s efforts? Because of the changing nature of the publishing world and the revolution in electronic book purchasing, someone needs to market your book throughout the Internet world. Because this work is extremely labor-intensive and detail-oriented, few publishers have the time, workers and enthusiasm to make it happen. This is where the author must step in, with the motivation to work hard on behalf of his or her book.